Residential painting services in Medford, MA

Count on experienced painters to transform your home.

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Discover the difference our residential painting services can make in your home.

With professionals with two decades of experience and specialized techniques, a fresh coat of paint enhances the aesthetics of your home and creates a welcoming and personal atmosphere.

In addition to enhancing your home's appeal, our residential painting services improve energy efficiency, keeping your space cooler in the summer and helping to reduce energy costs.

There's no better time to refresh your home and create a space you'll love by hiring a dedicated and experienced company.
Founded by Leandro, Four Points Painting & Drywall started in 2007 in the United States with a drive for excellence.

Leandro began his journey at the age of 23, diving into the world of painting and plastering services and founded the company that today has Bruno, his business partner, with whom he shares the same ideals and values and also the commitment to the satisfaction of each client who hires our services. We have become a reference in the industry, offering high-quality services in Medford, MA and the surrounding area.

We maintain a commitment to integrity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, always striving to exceed expectations and deliver lasting results.

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